Aurebesh Wiki

"Cornered" is the fourth episode of Season 1 of the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It aired on May 21, 2021.

Use of Aurebesh

Marauder monitor

When Tech calculates where the nearest planet is, the monitor aboard the Marauder says "PANTORA".

Raspar Six's refueling depot

When the Marauder docks at Raspar Six's refueling depot, the monitor in his office contains Aurebesh data. The text in the lower right-hand corner says "NETWORK ACTIVE", but it is hard to read. The remaining text is too small to decipher.

Fennec's ship monitor

When Fennec Shand is contacted by Raspar Six, the monitor in the cockpit of her ship. If you have a good television (the text is extremely hard to read), you may be able to make decipher that it says "DATA", "[obscured]NET STRENGTH". The rest is not legible.

Ro Station city signage

The city of Ro Station is filled with Aurebesh signage, including:

At least three "IVAN'S WAMPA HOUSE". Additional signage can be seen on the building that houses one of them, near the entrance; this is best seen when Hunter rides off on his stolen speeder bike. One sign says "DELICIOUS STEAKS", another says "AUTHENTIC PANTORAN KEBOBBERY" and the third one reads "[obscured]S FUSION [obscured]".


"AQ'ALICIOUS SEAFOOD" (the name of the establishment is written on big round signs, in the traditional, left to right, way; and by a second set of characters surrounding the others in a circle)

"BILL'S ASSORTED SEAN[obscured]" (note that I in "Bill's" and E in "Sean" is obscured, but can be seen on a mirrored version of the sign in the episode "Infiltration")


"HOT DRINKS" (ironically, a cocktail glass is pictured on the sign)

"BUPPO'S PANT[obscured] PIE HOU[obscured]" (presumably "Buppo's Pantoran Pie House")

"[illegible word] GYROS"

When Fennec Shand says to Omega, "You seem lost," the word "SNOW CONES" appears on a street sign behind the former. However, the letters are so unclear that you can barely make out their shape. The sign reappears in the episode "Infiltration," where the characters are seen clearly.

There is also additional signage, which is indecipherable because it is too far away or because most of the sign is hidden.

Air taxis

Various air taxis are labeled "TAXI". Additional text can be seen on two of them, but it is not legible.

In the shot where Hunter rides off on the stolen speeder bike and the owner runs after him, shouting "Hey!", a Kiros poster appears on the air taxi parked on the right-hand side of the screen, but only the first character is decipherable.

Unseen Aurebesh

The Concept Art Gallery on offers a glimpse of two posters that were created for the Pantora refueling depot: The first one does not appear in the episode. It reads "VISIT CORUSCANT".

The other one does appear, but it can only be seen from far away when Raspar Six asks Tech and Wrecker if they're there for repairs, so neither the motif nor the text can be deciphered. It reads "RIDE THE PERLEMIAN" — "CORUSCANT TO QUERMIA".[1]

See also

Wookieepedia "Cornered" on Wookieepedia


  1. StarWars "Cornered" Concept Art Gallery on “Pantora refueling depot concept art by Chris Madden” (Slide 6)