Aurebesh Wiki

"Decommissioned" is the sixth episode of Season 1 of the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It aired on June 4, 2021.

Use of Aurebesh

Aurebesh signage

The Aurebesh signage in Ord Mantell City in the opening scene read "SPICE" (mirrored) and (beneath that) "ON YOUR FEET". Another sign reads "CID'S".

Aurebesh graffiti

The Aurebesh graffiti by the entrance to Cid's Parlor has no meaning (it says "UAEDA UAEDA").

Slot machines

There is a slot machine at Cid's Parlor, called "LUCKY SHOT", with the slogan "ALWAYS SHOOT FIRST"; seemingly a reference to the popular "Han shot first" debate. Among the motifs seen on the monitor are heads of B1 battle droids; fittingly enough, "CLANKER BONUS" is written above it ("clanker" is a popular nickname for B1 battle droids). Below the screen, "INS[obscured]" is written.

Another machine says "CORELLIAN ROLL", but it is very blurred.

Another slot machine says "INSERT CREDIT".

Clone trooper gear

Tech's helmet is emblazoned with a skull positioned between two Rs, one of which is upside-down.

Hunter's backpack is labeled with the letter H.

Tech's visor

Tech's visor contains lots of Aurebesh coding. Most of it is gibberish, but some of it makes sense, including "IF CONFIG" "OBJ_FUNC", "DEF CLASS", "VALUE_SET", "OBJ_FUNC TRIGGER", "DEF TOGGLECLS", "PULLRIG", "FORMATTING", "RUN" and "INVOKE".

Decommissioning facility workers

Rafa and Trace Martez, and the rest of the decommissioning facility workers on Corellia, wear helmets decorated with the letters "KVH" written in Domabesh,[1] an alternative Aurebesh font.

Decommissioning facility monitor

The Aurebesh text on the monitor at the decommissioning facility, before the system shuts down, translates to "SYSTEM OVERVIEW" and "70% CAP" : "NO ABNORMALITIES RUNNING" : "22.28% POWER".

See also

Wookieepedia "Decommissioned" on Wookieepedia


  1. StarWars "Decommissioned" Concept Art Gallery on “Trace Martez concept art by Angela Chen / Rafa Martez concept art by Angela Chen” (Slides 1, 8)