Aurebesh Wiki

"Kassa" is the premiere episode of Season One of the Star Wars live action series Andor. It aired on September 21, 2022 alongside the second and third episodes.

Use of Aurebesh

Hyne: This is quite the report. This happened when?
Syril Karn: Last night, sir.

—Chief Inspector Hyne commenting on Karn's report

Karn's report

Syril Karn's report, which Chief Inspector Hyne is reading on a datapad, says:

[obscured]UBLE MURDER
[obscured]A TWO


[obscured]AVAS DREZZER
[obscured]RLO SKIFF


[obscured]SURE DISTRICT,
[obscured]AZA ENTRANCE

The last two lines are a reference to the incidence happening "just outside the district, at the plaza entrance to the causeway."

The Preox-Morlana logo, best seen on the wall behind Hyne in the scene where he goes over Karn's report in the Corporate Security Headquarters, consists of a stylized vertical P and M, the initials of the corporation.

Corporate Security Headquarters monitors

A computer monitor in the scene where Hyne is reading Karn's report, says "IMPERIALCENCUS [sic] FERRIX". The Pre-Mor Security Inspection team talks about Imperial census records for the planet later in the episode.

When Karn and a colleague are looking at a log of starships that came and went, the monitor in front of them says "ANGLE OF ATTACK". Since the monitor is seen from behind, the text, which is blurry and hard to read, is mirror-inverted. The rest of the text has no particular meaning.

Ferrix signage

A building on Ferrix, seen when B2EMO travels through the town's dirt streets and encounters the Corellian hounds, and when Cassian walks through town in the morning, says "FERRIX DEP[obscured]" and "SPEEDERS AVAILABLE [obscured]". Additional text is seen in "Reckoning"; the complete text reads "FERRIX DEPOT" and "SPEEDERS AVAILABLE HERE".

When Cassian walks through town in the morning, a sign on an unidentified store says "CHAIRS".

The lettering on the Caleen Salyard says "SALYARD. ION CONVERSION NODES AND CO[illegible]". Note that some of the characters are faded and hard to spot. According to the episode's Trivia Gallery on, the full inscription (minus the Salyard part) reads "Ion Conversion Nodes and Components of All Variety".[1] Another building there says "CALEEN".

After the scene with the Preox-Morlana examining the starship log, there is a wide shot of Cassian walking down some stairs on Ferrix. On the left hand side of the screen, there is what appears to be a sign containing a faded credit (Credit) symbol, and faded versions of the Aurebesh letters R and a digraph equaling the characters NG. Behind Cassian, a vertical sign written in Domabesh, ending in "TSO". (Bix is seen walking down the same stairs a few minutes later, after she leaves the salvage yard to contact her mysterious buyer.)

When Cassian is talking to Nurchi on the street, a sign on an unidentified business behind them says "SCREENS". When he walks away, as he says "Very nice to see you", a tall machine on the ground behind him, with people gathered around it, says "[obscured]EME VEND".

When Timm is looking for Bix, he stops outside an unnamed store selling "DROID PARTS". Note that the O in "droids" is upside-down.

As Timm continues to search for Bix, a nearby sign says "[obscured] SERVICE".

A three-letter sign is also seen, but only the bottom of the name is visible. At the bottom of the sign, "BINABIAN" is written. "Reckoning" shows the sign in its entirety and reveals that it says "GYO".

Note: In the shot after the Gyo sign is seen, the camera spins around 180 degrees, showing a dark gray sign with white characters on a different store. According to graphic designer Barry Gingell, the script is supposed to be Aurebesh, but hand painted to a design by Elle McKee.[2] However, if this is indeed Aurebesh, the characters appear to be untranslatable.

The sign over Repaak Salyard, which Bix enters, says "REPA[obscured]", presumably "repair" or "Repaak."

Ferrix barrel

A white container in an industrial area carries a warning written in Domabesh, saying "CAUTION" : "FLAMMABLE". Note that the angle makes it hard to read; it is seen more clearly in "Reckoning."

Officer's food

A Pre-Mor officer is eating glowblue noodles from a take-out container that is labeled "NOODLE[image ends]".

See also

Wookieepedia "Kassa" on Wookieepedia


  1. StarWars Andor | Season 1, Episode 1 - Trivia Gallery on “The Aurebesh signage in front of the Caleen Salyard (where Bix Caleen and Timm Karlo work) promises "Ion Conversion Nodes and Components of All Variety."” (Slide 3)
  2. Twitter beau is internetdog on bisky 🇵🇸 (@cynocephalae) on X, formerly Twitter: shan't know joy til i figure these out istg..... @BazatronPrime ????? (November 28, 2022). (backup link)
    Twitter Barry Gingell (@BazatronPrime) on X, formerly Twitter: Even we don't know the left one.... It's just beautiful, Ralph inspired symbols. (November 28, 2022). "The other one is Aurebesh but hand painted to a design by @MckeeElle" (backup link)