Aurebesh Wiki

"Narkina 5" is the eighth episode of Season One of the Star Wars live action series Andor. It aired on October 26, 2022.

Use of Aurebesh

ISB monitor

A monitor imbedded in the table of the ISB conference chamber contains Aurebesh text, but none of it makes any sense.

Prison cell numbers

In the scene where Cassian is introduced to his new cell at the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex, as fellow prisoner Jemboc says, "And that is your tab", the wall next to Cassian's cell says "52D 40". After Jemboc says, "Can't help but wonder what people are saying", the wall next to Ham's cell says "13 2D5". As Xaul says, "It's rebel nonsense", the wall he is leaning against says "15 2D5" (the same wall that Kino Loy slams Melshi against soon after). Other cell numbers are also glimpsed, but they are too far way to decipher.

As Cassian leaves the cell thirty shifts later, there is a close-up of his feet stepping out of the cell, followed by a wide shot of everyone walking down the corridor, where you can see that the cell next to Cassian's is number "52D 39".

Ferrix signage

A sign on an unidentified business seen in the background of an establishing shot of Ferrix says "CHAIRS".

During the scene where Bix is arrested, there is a sign saying "GREYBLE SERVICE", while another says "DROID PARTS". The sign over Repaak Salyard says "REPA[obscured]" (the first two letters are glimpsed in one shot and the last two in another shot).

Note: In the same scene, a dark gray sign with white characters is seen on a different store; this is best seen in the shot where the camera pans toward Bix and Brasso as Vanis Tigo says, "That's your name, isn't it?". According to graphic designer Barry Gingell, the script is supposed to be Aurebesh, but hand painted to a design by Elle McKee.[1] However, if this is indeed Aurebesh, the characters appear to be untranslatable.

See also

Wookieepedia "Narkina 5" on Wookieepedia


  1. Twitter beau is internetdog on bisky 🇵🇸 (@cynocephalae) on X, formerly Twitter: shan't know joy til i figure these out istg..... @BazatronPrime ????? (November 28, 2022). (backup link)
    Twitter Barry Gingell (@BazatronPrime) on X, formerly Twitter: Even we don't know the left one.... It's just beautiful, Ralph inspired symbols. (November 28, 2022). "The other one is Aurebesh but hand painted to a design by @MckeeElle" (backup link)