"Reckoning" is the third episode of Season One of the Star Wars live action series Andor. It aired on September 21, 2022, along with the first and second episodes.
Use of Aurebesh
Ferrix signage
As Bix is walking through town with Luthen Rael in the beginning of the episode, as Bix says, "East lot, building nine", the speeder depot that first appeared in "Kassa" appears on the far right of the screen, but we only see the first three letters ("FER[image ends]"). It can also be seen in the shot after Sergeant Mosk says, "Left flank! Right flank!", but only some of the text, "[obscured]EPOT" and "[obscured]ABLE HERE", is seen; and in the following wide shot of Rix Road, but only parts of the name, "FERRIX D[obscured]", is readable. The building also appears in the background of two other shots. The rest of the text is seen in "Kassa"; the full inscription reads "FERRIX DEPOT" and "SPEEDERS AVAILABLE HERE".
In the wide shot of the Preox-Morlana personnel carrier touching down on Ferrix, Aurebesh is seen on a tall round building on the left side of the screen. It carries the text "FOOD" at the bottom, "P O R" at the top and "DD" in the middle.
In the shot of the Corporate Tactical Forces disembarking the Preox-Morlana personnel carrier, the name "GYO" appears on a tall building on the right hand side of the troop transport. It can also be seen in the background as Sergeant Mosk says, "Copy that, North Team."
The Gavalox Communications station from "That Would Be Me" is seen on Ferrix, but the angle and the distance makes the sign unreadable.
The "XANWANS" sign from "That Would Be Me" appears again, but we only see the last four letters.
When Bix is running to warn Cassian, she runs past an unnamed store selling "DROID PARTS". There is another sign nearby, consisting of red and yellow letters on a blue background, which seems to be for the same business: The top says "DROID PARTS" (although the first word is all but indecipherable), while the bottom says "REPAIR SERVICE". (The text in the middle is written in Bazeese; it seems to read "DROID PARTS", like the top of the sign.)
As Bix continues to run, a wall says "OWAUWAQ [obscured/faded]REIGHT", while the business next to it says "GYO" (like the tall building mentioned earlier in this section).
When Mosk asks, "Was that him?", the word "PAP" is glimpsed on the building behind him, although the characters are mirror-inverted.
When the Corporate Tactical Forces approach the wreckage of the landspeeder decoy, a sign on an unidentified store on the far right of the screen says "CHAIRS".
A couple of other signs are also glimpsed, but since we only see the end of them, they cannot be properly deciphered.
Preox-Morlana logo
The Preox-Morlana logo, seen on the Corporate Tactical Forces' uniforms and on the side of the troop carrier as North-3 reenters it, consists of a stylized vertical P and M, the initials of the corporation.
Inspection team starship
When the Corporate Tactical Forces disembark the Preox-Morlana personnel carrier, Aurebesh lettering over the door advises "CAUTION".
Ferrix barrel
After the inspection team disembarks, a white barrel in an industrial area on Ferrix carries a warning written in Domabesh, saying "CAUTION" : "FLAMMABLE".
See also
"Reckoning" on Wookieepedia