Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones is a 2002 film directed by George Lucas, and written by Lucas and Jonathan Hales. It is the second part of the Star Wars prequel trilogy and chronologically the second chapter of the Skywalker saga.
Use of Aurebesh
Coruscant signage
While watching Obi-Wan Kenobi and taking aim, Zam Wesell is standing on a balcony in front of several advertising screens displaying a variant of Aurebesh, with no actual meaning. Other, unknown scripts can also be seen.
Green signage above the tunnel that Zam flies into says "NAT".
When Obi-Wan catches Anakin's lightsaber during the speeder chase, various building signs on Coruscant spell out "EINRV".
Outside the Outlander Club, blue holographic neon signs contain Aurebesh characters, which have no actual meaning. Some of the symbols are upside-down, and some are not even Aurebesh.
When Obi-Wan disembarks after parking the XJ-6 airspeeder, a building sign in the background reads "FRANK".
Aurebesh can be seen on the walls of buildings as Jango Fett flies away after killing Zam. One of the walls says "WARREN," and another says "FRANK". An upside-down hologram nearby says "AESE".
Zam's equipment
The display on Zam's unique goggles (known as electro-goggles in Legends continuity), which she uses to watch Obi-Wan as he hangs from the assassin droid, shows Aurebesh characters, some of which are upside-down. However, they merely produce gibberish when translated.
The scope on Zam's projectile rifle shows some Aurebesh characters. Some are upside-down, while others are mirror-inverted, and they have no actual meaning.
Droid waitress
The waitress droid in Dex's Diner has a nameplate that reads "FLO". The name is a nod to the character Florence "Flo" Castleberry from the 1970's sitcom Alice,[1] itself based on the 1974 film Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, which was directed by George Lucas' friend Martin Scorsese.[2]
Lars family landspeeder
The letters "PM" are painted onto a landspeeder in the garage of the Lars moisture farm.
Republic transport monitor
Shortly after the rescue from the arena, Mace Windu orders a clone trooper pilot to land in an assembly area. The clone trooper's cockpit monitor shows Aurebesh text that is rotated 90 degrees and has no actual meaning, as well as the Aurebesh characters D and S, although both are upside-down.
Unseen Aurebesh
Although it it too small to read on-screen, the droids that are installing Padmé Amidala's new window carry the Aurebesh labels "MICK" and "BUFFY".[3]
See also
Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones on Wookieepedia