Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope is a 1977 film written and directed by George Lucas. It is the first Star Wars film released, the first part of the Star Wars original trilogy and chronologically the fourth chapter of the Skywalker saga.
Use of Aurebesh
Death Star tractor beam
The original version from 1977 predates the creation of the Aurebesh alphabet and does not feature any Aurebesh text; however, Aurebesh was added to a scene for the 2004 DVD release.
In the 2004 DVD release, and subsequent releases, the words displaying information as Obi-Wan Kenobi deactivates the tractor beam on the Death Star, which were written using the Roman alphabet in previous releases, are now written in Aurebesh. It says (here is a picture showing a comparison between the old version and the new version):
- 6 8 14 24 [unknown symbols] [unknown symbols]
- 4
See also
Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope on Wookieepedia