Aurebesh Wiki

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary is a canon reference book from 2015, written by Pablo Hidalgo for the film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.

Use of Aurebesh

Ration pack

A ration pack says "PORTION" (note that due to the small size of the image, it is hard to read).

New Order rank insignia

The rank insignia system of the First Order consists of armbands bearing the names of famous units and heroes of the Galactic Civil War: "KAPLAN" (as seen on Colonel Datoo), "TARKIN", "DILLON", "POWER" (carried by Lieutenant Mitaka, which is also seen in the movie), "RO 8", and "HAL 4" (carried by Chief Petty Officer Unamo and Petty Officer Thanisson). Note that the numerals are written in an alternate font that is completely different from regular Aurebesh numbers, using an alternate numerical system based on dots and lines.

The name Dillon is most likely a reference to costume designer Glyn Dillon. Similarly, the names Ro and Hal seem to be a reference to Dillon's sons, who are named Ro and Hal.[1]

Finalizer bridge screen

The tiny picture of a bridge screen aboard the Finalizer includes the text "SY RL". If you use a magnifying glass, you can also make out "AB" and "HYPERDRIVE". The remaining text is simply too small to decipher.

TIE flight helmet

The data display on the inside of a TIE pilot helmet says "TARGET ACQUIRED".

TIE schematics

The minuscule characters on the schematics of a TIE/sf space superiority fighter read "MAIN ENG", "CMMS", "SHIELD AUX STRUT", "SHIELD GEN", "PANEL XCK", "FRONT CANNONS" and "ESCAPE HATCH".

Kalonia's armband

For information on Major Kalonia's armband, see Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.

Resistance pilots

For information on the life vests worn by the Resistance pilots, and the flight helmets worn by Jessika Pava, Ello Asty and Nien Nunb, see Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.

Vober Dand's coveralls

Vober Dand's coveralls say "GLD" (short for Ground Logistics Division) and "LANDING OFFICER".

See also

Wookieepedia Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary on Wookieepedia


This article is adapted from material from the (now deleted) "List of use of Aurebesh" article on the Star Wars wiki (link to archived copy), which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.