"Truth and Consequences" is the eighth episode of Season 2 of the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It aired on February 8, 202, alongside the seventh episode, "The Clone Conspiracy."
Use of Aurebesh

Alternative Aurebesh numbers (left and right) on repulsorpod monitor, alongside regular Aurebesh numbers (middle) and letters (top)
Repair shop signage
The Marauder lands on Trace Martez's repair shop's landing platform, where the word "MECHBAY" is written vertically next to the large doorway.
Senate monitor
The red monitor in Riyo Chuchi's repulsorpod in the Imperial Senate says "FILE UPLOADING". Below that, there is a long list of Aurebesh numbers (too many to list), written in an alternate font comprised of dots and lines. However, regular Aurebesh numbers also appear as Chuchi uploads the recording of the Attack on Kamino.