"War-Mantle" is the fourteenth episode of Season 1 of the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It aired on July 30, 2021.
Use of Aurebesh
Clone trooper gear
Tech's helmet is emblazoned with a skull positioned between two Rs, one of which is upside-down.
Hunter's backpack is labeled with the letter H.
Imperial base monitors
A readout on the monitor inside the Imperial Base on Daro says "FLOOR", "TOP VIEW", "PERSPECTIVE VIEW", "BASE SCHEMATICS" and "TOUCH FOR DETAILS". Another readout says "BASE SCHEMATIC" and "FLOOR" (the latter is listed four times). The readouts also contain various combinations of an Aurebesh character and two digits.
There is a smaller monitor used by Tech, which says "!" and "ACCESS DENIED".
A third monitor says "FLOOR" and "ARRIVE AT DESTINATION" (the latter is hard to read). It then says "ENTER ACCESS CODE".
The monitor inside the elevator says "ACCESS GRANTED" and "FLOOR SELECT".
Marauder console
The console of the Marauder changes from "SHIELDS ACTIVE" to "SHIELDS INACTIVE", before switching back to "SHIELDS ACTIVE". The vertical text translates as "WARNING" - "WARNING". Additional text translates to "POWER" : "!DANGER!" : "85%". There is also a long text segment scrolling down the screen, with no actual meaning. It then shows the message "!INCOMING!".
In a later scene, the words "!DANGER WARNING!" flash on the screen, accompanied by "WARNING" - "WARNING".
See also
"War-Mantle" on Wookieepedia