Aurebesh Wiki

"Zero Friends Again" is the sixth episode of the live action series Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. It aired on December 31, 2024.

Use of Aurebesh

Wim's school uniform

During the scene where KB's cybernetics suffer a malfunction from corrosion, forcing Wim to fix them, multiple shots prominently display the badge on Wim's school uniform. The first episode of the series establishes that the badge reads "AT ATTIN MIDDLE SCHOOL GAMMA". In "Zero Friends Again," the initial three words are somewhat hazy, however, they can be decoded if one is already familiar with the content. For individuals without this prior knowledge, a degree of experience in Aurebesh is required to read them. Nevertheless, the final two words remain entirely unreadable.

Starship monitors

The Onyx Cinder is pinned by a garbage machine, forcing the younglings to turn on the emergency hull demolition sequencer and purge the hull. The round monitor next to the switch that that Fern activates reads:

19 12

Note that the numbers are written in an alternative numeral system based on dots and lines, that is completely different from regular Aurebesh numbers. Furthermore, only the initial third of the Aurebesh letter E in the word "range" can be seen, while the remainder is inexplicably truncated.

A secondary circular display located at the bottom indicates the word "VACUUM".

See also

Wookieepedia "Zero Friends Again" on Wookieepedia
